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Published on February 12, 2005 By mrbiotech In Tutorials

Skinyourscreen.comLink has put together a new resource for skinners, SkinWikiLink. SkinWiki is an open-source initiative to reference skinnable software, the individual skinnable elements within the software, and any tools, tips or tricks that can be employed to facilitate the Skinning/Theming process.

SkinWiki is a community collaborative effort, meaning everyone interested can participate by adding/editing any of the content. You can directly participate in Skinwiki by becoming a registered user of SkinYourScreen. Once registered, you can add/edit any of the information content in SkinWiki. Registration is free.

Specifically we are seeking more contributions on StarDock's products, which have plenty of skinnable elements. Editting is as easy as typing in a box!

What is a "Wiki?" Link
Here's the link to go directly to SkinWiki.Link

on Feb 13, 2005
on Feb 13, 2005
Wikis have the capability to become, with a strong enough userbase, the best resources on whatever they pertain to (case-in-point, Wikipedia). I'm a little reserved about this one, though, because of its interface. In my opinion, a Wiki should be abhorrently simple, clear, and concise. This seems to be another CMS with another techno-style theme added to it.

Of course, with the content, I could be wrong, we'll have to wait and see. I would have a much better impression of it if it were along the lines of the MediaWiki software.
on Feb 13, 2005
The whole site is not the Wiki. SkinWiki is an integral element to, a part of a larger picture. MediaWiki is a standalone Wiki/CMS, while SkinWiki is integrated into an existing e107-based CMS backbone.
on Feb 13, 2005
...but thanks for the idea of using MediaWiki! I'm now integrating it into the existing system for its tremendous flexibility. The beauty of open-source
on Feb 18, 2005
I've been spending my last month over at the new Creatures Wiki. The site is hosted for "free" (sidebar google adwords advertising) by Wikicities, which is run by (almost) the same people who run Wikipedia. It's been a great deal so far; we've managed to get to 100,000 words in just 6 weeks, and don't have to worry about thinks like server setup, backups, bandwidth, etc.
on Mar 08, 2005
People should note that the SkinWiki has moved - the old link in the articles will no longer work.
on Sep 23, 2005
I was wondering what was going on. I want to support this skinWiki project to the most I can..
on Sep 23, 2005
ummm... how do I contact Mr Biotech???