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Published on November 23, 2002 By mrbiotech In WinCustomize Talk
Good idea or bad? I've loved the speed and low resource drain of AstonShell (and DANG that thing was easy to skin, too!). Does anyone think it would be in StarDock's interest to create a complete shell replacement? I bet they'd make something killer in this department if they could devote some resources to it.
on Nov 23, 2002
i´m pretty sure StarDock is capabable of doing an excellent shell. but i wonder if they have enough resources for customer support on this.
on Nov 23, 2002
I would not doubt stardock's abilities however they currently have a good relationship with MS. They have been given the MS seal on their products as far as XP goes ... not so sure a company would want to put strain on that relationship. I garrentee that a full shell replacement would not get the rubber stamp. Although this sort of action by Stardock should not effect other products they make, I have a funny that MS would see that it did.

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on Nov 23, 2002
I have to wonder what the point of actually replacing Explorer is now. On Windows XP, explorer works pretty well.

I'd rather take the approach of extending Explorer than trying to replace it.
on Nov 23, 2002
The only benefit I can see is removing redundantancy. Beyond jsut appearances, if I replace and enhance the desktop and taskbar functionality with my own, it seems a *bit* wasteful to run both. The average machine now, though, will easily have the resources to do it, and explorer is plenty stable enough to sit there behind the scenes.

In the past that wasn't true, 128 was probably all you had, and a redundant app you weren't using was liable to crash you fairly often. I replace Explorer now out of habit. , kind of like lifeboat survivors that still hoard food after they are rescued. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be doing it though.
on Nov 26, 2002
I haven't XP yet, so I can't imagine what it's like to have an explorer that works the way it should (upgrading soon!!!). Static, I see what you mean about Stardock's good terms with MS right now. It would kind of be a large step on the toes to replace the new and improved shell. I just love the flexibility of ObjectBar so much, I thought I'd dispense MS's shell altogether!
on Nov 28, 2002
how bout all yall get a life and stop talking bout this shit and carry on!
on Nov 28, 2002
austin22, you're certainly entitled to your own opinion, but maybe you could state it in the future without the profanity.

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on Nov 28, 2002
Listen to LadyWolf.

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on Nov 28, 2002
What exactly is your problem austin22?
This IS a customization site, seems like an appropriate discussion.

Why don't you get a life, and stop trying to antagonize people?
on Nov 28, 2002
Intelligent conversation is clearly beyond him...
on Nov 29, 2002
Profanity is the last resort of a dull mind.
on Nov 29, 2002
Looks like someone ate turyey by themselves tonight
on Dec 01, 2002
Maybe jsut adding features to fully replace or just enhance the shell is a possibility?

i mean sooner or later the great minds at stardock will run out of features they can incorporate without going that extra step, so at that point where would we all sit?

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