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Published on July 12, 2003 By mrbiotech In Skinning
I've got at least two original 50%-90% completed Windowblinds themes sitting on my hard-drive that I've entirely lost interest to complete (having more fun with LiteStep). One basically needs a non-XP taskbar and some glyphs, and the other has pretty much just the XP Start Panel, Windows, and most controls completed. Anyone interested in taking them off my hands for final workup?
on Jul 12, 2003
Why not post a screenshot to show what you've got?
on Jul 14, 2003
Great idea, pic (...opening photoshop)
on Jul 14, 2003
Pending approval, two pics will show up in the Graphics section titled CryogenXP and SequencerXP. Sequencer is obviously more complete than its little brother. As mentioned in the descriptions of both (I think), I am totally willing to create further graphics for either as needed, I just hate coding the skin, even SkinStudio. There's just too much work involved to be fun anymore.