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Published on February 14, 2003 By mrbiotech In WinCustomize Talk
Ok, ok... in the past I might have come across as an opponent of LiteStep or said some pretty rash things regarding the shell, but now that I've got a decent shell-manager (Carapace 5.0) I've given it another try and found it to be of great benefit. I'm officially rescinding any nasty or negative things said or implied at LiteStep: it's a solid shell with some of the best themes available and most importantly, a great community behind it.

Jafo, I see the light!
on Feb 14, 2003
now check out Jafos Litestep themes

have a box I'll be putting Formula 1 on in the next couple of days once it's together

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on Feb 14, 2003
D'mer.....we sucked in another one...

[the oldies from will understand]...
on Feb 14, 2003
Damn.... > >
on Feb 14, 2003
Not perfect though.
on Feb 14, 2003
"I've got a decent shell-manager (Carapace 5.0)"

Gah! Have you had any luck with Carapace at all then? I haven't posted anything over on Lowdimension yet - but it utterly does /not/ like my system - even with this still-relatively-virgin install of XP Pro.

I've only actually been able to make it come up /once/. *sighs*
on Feb 16, 2003
kthxbye, It took me a while to figure out Carapace, as there is NO DOCUMENTATION and the website doesn't provide much help either. As long as Carapace is set as the default shell and the alternate shells are configured properly, it seems to work ok.

What seems to be the problem/what's not workin'? I'll attempt to help!
on Feb 16, 2003
"kthxbye, It took me a while to figure out Carapace, as there is NO DOCUMENTATION and the website doesn't provide much help either. As long as Carapace is set as the default shell and the alternate shells are configured properly, it seems to work ok. "

Ugh! Tell me about it. Though - my problem was, installing it, setting it as the default shell - and then it simply never appearing & explorer being reset as the shell. I knew about the bug that would cause Explorer to be reset as the default shell (if you cick 'def' on the boot screen or something like that?) but even /that/ gave you the window to be able to choose a shell first!

I never even got that - explorer simply kept getting reset as my shell somehow.

S'okay - I deleted carapace, reinstalled, etc. etc. ad nauseum and it's working perfectly now - so I'm happy.

And there may be a lack of documentation - but pixol is /great/ - and answers any questions REALLY quickly, I've noticed.
on Feb 16, 2003
i just use the defalt shell manager that come with one of the older install sof LS works for me, its funny trying to see other ppl use my computer, cause they cant figure out to right click

LS is stable if the theme u are running is stable. thats all there is to it